«Moosfelsen», 2010
«Betonlandschaft», 2010
Walter A. Bechtler-Stiftung
Peter Fischli (*1952) / David Weiss (1946-2012):
The artwork of Fischli/Weiss is an articially produced natural phenomenon. Here, tuff stones from a Bavarian quarry are stacked to a height of five metres and watered with a sophisticated system. Over time, moss should grow on the porous stone and cover the bright surface with a green carpet. The «artificial» moss rock in Zellweger Park holds something alienating, almost unreal, because it pretends to be a part of nature. At the same time, the work has an experimental character, as the slow growth of the moss cannot be predicted exactly.
Peter Fischli and David Weiss worked together from 1979 to 2012 and are among the most important contemporary artists in Switzerland. Their work often seems to have been developed through playful instincts and always includes a humorous side. The theme of artifice is present in many works, as in the well-known polyurethane carvings that pretend to be real objects. Their preoccupation with everyday occurrences often raises further questions, but with irony takes the weight off the philosophical musings.